
Gym Bag Essentials

As important as it is to have a good fitness routine, it is also very important that we know exactly what is needed to be kept in a gym bag. It must not become too heavy but at the same time we shouldn’t miss out on any essentials. Keeping it simple is the key and you don’t have to be trendy about it.
Here are the essentials that I would suggest for anyone to keep in their gym bags:-
1. Sneakers – It is very easy to forget your sneakers as one always leaves from home in slippers and changes into sneakers at the gym due to their strict policies of outside shoes. So the first thing to go in your duffle bag should be your shoes with a pair of socks of course.
2. Headphones – Motivating music goes a long way in helping push your body to the max and a good pair of headphones is a must. Forgetting them is not an option as the gym music might not be to your taste and this can put you off and decrease your efficiency. Here I would recommend using wireless ones if possible as it gives one a lot of flexibility and mobility.
3. Water bottle – Again this a must to save you time as water coolers might not always be easily accessible and might make you take an avoidable break. It is important to stay hydrated during intense workouts and having a water bottle near you will do just that.
4. Gym clothes – One wears casual clothes to the gym and usually changes into the gym attire at the gym itself. Forgetting those means you will have to work out in casual clothes which is definitely not a good idea. Further having an extra tee and a pair of shorts never hurt and they aren’t too heavy or space-consuming either.
5. Shower essentials – After an intense routine one might prefer to have a quick shower and have a dry shampoo can help you clean up easily while saving you the effort of having a shower twice. Throw in a couple of microfiber towels which are quick-dry and your good to go.
6. Cleansing wipes and deodorant – Sometimes one might be in a hurry and here the combo of wipes and deo comes into play. These wipes clean off the sweat and make you look decent while the deo can remove the smell of sweat and refresh you. Further, when you get sweaty in between exercises these towels can be used to quickly clean it off.
7. Snacks – One of the best ways as recommended by experts to heal your body as fast as possible after a workout is by having a light, protein-filled snack which is like an energy shot to you. I would recommend having either a protein bar/shake or walnuts/other dry fruits, to keep your blood sugar in check and help speed up the healing process making you fit and fine in a flurry. Further while working out one can have some chewing gum as it helps in keeping you alert.
8. Fitness band – In today’s tech-savvy world it is very easy to keep track of your body vitals while at the same time tracking your progress. From heartbeat and pulse rate to sleep and steps count it covers a range of parameters and is a must for every fitness freak. It even allows you to track calories which are of paramount importance in attempts to weight loss.

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